User Agreement

The official representative of in the European Union is Flirtu SIA (Flirtu Telegram Dating), company registered in Latvia under the number 40203312098. Legal address: 5 Vizmas Belsevicas str., Riga, LV-1082, Latvia.

This Agreement is a necessary legal contract between the User and the Administration of the Service on the subject of administering the Service which provides the Service Resources and their functionality to the User.

This Agreement is a public document. This Agreement may be changed and/or amended by the Administration of the Service unilaterally without special notice to the User.

Acceptance of the Agreement and Warranty

By signing up or logging in to the Service (FLIRTU, hereinafter referred to as the Service), the User acknowledges that he/she is familiar and agrees with the User Agreement ( and Privacy Policy (, and that he/she unreservedly accepts and agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  • The User is familiar with the details of these Terms of Use.
  • The User is familiar with and agrees to all the details of the Privacy Policy.
  • The User is fully responsible for the safety and confidentiality of identifying data and bears full responsibility for the publication by the User of all materials and information in the service.
  • The User guarantees that on the date of registration and initial use of the service, he/she has reached the age of 18. At the same time, he/she guarantees that he/she has received the unconditional consent of legal representatives for the usage of this service (if required by applicable laws of the User's country).
  • The User undertakes to use the service in compliance with applicable laws of his/her country.
  • The User agrees to receive the newsletter from the Service Administration.
  • The User agrees with the Cookie Policy applied by the Service Administration.
  • The Service cannot be used to sell any goods or services or distribute any promotional materials without the express permission of the Service Administration.
  • The Service may contain materials from other users that may be inappropriate.
  • The User guarantees that he/she has provided reliable information about themselves and are entitled to use their mobile phone number and Telegram username specified during signing up or logging in to the service.
  • The Service is designed as a community for dating and communicating with other users. Its users are prohibited from using insults, foul language, pornographic handout materials, or materials that may offend human dignity. It is forbidden to post materials that may promote terrorist activities or actions that are considered a criminal offense, propaganda of violence, racial discrimination, and drug addiction. It is forbidden to post content that violates intellectual property rights. The Administrator has the right to deny the User's access to the Service in case of violation of the established prohibitions in accordance with the applicable instruction.
  • This Agreement may be modified by the Service Administrator at any time without prior notice.
  • By submitting any (non-prohibited) content to the service, the User agrees that the Administrator has the right to use this content in marketing, promotional and other materials.

The Application Administrator reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to:

  • Modify the Terms of Use at any time. Continued use of the Service after the changes have been made means that the User accepts and agrees to these changes.
  • Restrict access to user content in the service when necessary.
  • Edit or delete any content sent by the User if it does not comply with the terms of this Agreement and/or is harmful to the Service Administrator or any third party.

1. Status of the User Agreement of the Service

1.1. The following Agreement was developed by the Service Administration and defines the terms of use of the Service and the rights and obligations of the Users and the Service Administration. The Agreement also applies to the relations that have to do with the rights and interests of non-User third parties whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of Users.

1.2. This Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administration of the Service on the subject of the provision by the Administration of the Service to the User of the usage of the Service and its functionality (hereinafter referred to as the Services). In addition to this Agreement, the relationship between the User and the Administration of the Service is also governed by all special documents related to the specific functionality of the Service.

1.3. This Agreement may be amended and/or supplemented by the Administration of the Service unilaterally without any special notice to the User. This Agreement is an open and public document. The current version of the Agreement is located on the Internet at the address: The Service Administration recommends that Users regularly review the terms of this Agreement for changes and/or additions. Continued use of the Service by the User after introducing such changes and/or additions to this Agreement means the acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and/or additions.

2. Service Status

2.1. The Service is an Internet resource and a collection of information and software contained in an information system that makes such information available on the Internet at the network address:

2.2. This Agreement establishes the conditions under which the rights to use information and results of intellectual activity (including, but not limited to, graphics and design works, photographic works, software applications, design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, scripts, other objects and their collections) (hereinafter referred to as the Content) as part of separate sections of the Service may belong to Users and other persons who independently created and/or submitted these objects to the Service without the direct participation of the Service Administration.

3. Administration of the Service

3.1. Reports, suggestions, and claims of individuals and legal entities to the Administration of the Service in connection with this Agreement and any questions regarding the operation of the Service, violations of the rights and interests of third parties when using it, and any requests can be sent to the following email address: @FlirtuHelpBot.

3.2. With regard to the operation and development of the Service, the Service Administration is guided by applicable law, this Agreement, and other special documents that were developed or may be developed and adopted by the Service Administration in order to regulate the provision of separate functionality of the Service to Users.

3.3. No provision of this Agreement grants the User the right to use the trade name, trademarks, domain names, and other distinguishing marks of the Service and the Service Administration. The right to use the trade name, trademarks, domain names, and other distinguishing marks of the Service and the Service Administration can be granted only within a written agreement with the Service Administration.

4. Signing up on the Service and the User Status

4.1. The User signs up with the Service free of charge and voluntarily at @Flirtu_bot in Telegram using its mobile app or any other version.

4.2. The User is an individual who signed up with the Service in accordance with the procedure established by this Agreement, reached the age allowed under the law to accept this Agreement, and has the appropriate authority.

4.3. Upon signing up with the Service, the User must provide the Service Administration with the reliable and up-to-date information that is necessary for the creation of the User's personal profile. The User grants the right to the Service Administration to use the information contained in the User's Telegram account in order to generate the questionnaire. The registration form of the Service may collect additional information from the User.

4.4. The user is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness, and compliance of the information provided during signing up, as well as absence of claims of third parties.

4.5. After the successful signing up of the User with the Service, the User and the Administration of the Service assume the mutual rights and obligations specified in this Agreement.

4.6. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the law and the Privacy Policy aimed at protection of personal data of the Service users. The User gives consent to the Administration of the Service for the processing of his/her personal data. Without such consent, the Service Administration has the right to deny access to the Services for the User.

4.7. The Telegram account selected by the User is necessary and sufficient for the User to access the Service. The User does not have the right to transfer his/her Telegram account to third parties and is fully responsible for its safety and choosing the method of its storage. The User may use his/her hardware and software to store the username and password of his/her Telegram account (using cookies) for subsequent automatic authorization on the Service.

4.8. Unless proven otherwise by the User, any actions performed using his/her profile are considered to be committed by the relevant User. In case of unauthorized access to the Telegram account and/or the User's personal profile or the leaking of the User’s username and password of his/her Telegram account, the User must immediately notify the Administration of the Service in accordance with the established procedure.

4.9. Upon signing up, the User acquires the right to independently create, use, and determine the content of his/her own personal profile for personal non-commercial purposes.

4.10. The User, being the owner of the information posted in his/her own personal profile, is aware that, with the exception of cases established by this Agreement and applicable law, the Service Administration does not take part in the formation and use of the content and control of other users' access to the User's personal profile.

5. Obligations of the User

5.1. When using the Service and the Services, the User is obliged to: comply with the provisions of the applicable law, this Agreement, and other special documents of the Service Administration; provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information upon signing up and make sure it is kept up-to-date; inform the Service Administration about unauthorized access to his/her personal profile and/or unauthorized access and/or use of the User's Telegram account; not provide other Users with access to their own personal profile or personal data contained in it in case this may lead to a violation of the law, this Agreement, and/or special documents of the Administration of the Service; not post in their personal profile information and objects (including links to them) that may violate the rights and interests of other persons; before posting information and objects (including, but not limited to, images of other persons, other people's texts of various purpose), preliminarily assess the legality of their publication; keep secret and not provide other Users and third parties with personal data that became known to the User as a result of communication with other Users and other use of the Service (including, but not limited to, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, passport data, banking information) and any data about the private life of other Users and third parties without obtaining the appropriate prior permission of the latter; back up information important for the User that is stored in his/her personal profile.

5.2. In case of any doubt about the legality of the implementation of certain actions, including the posting of information or the provision of access, the Service Administration recommends refraining from performing such actions.

5.3. When using the Service, the User is prohibited from:

5.3.1. register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person (“fake account”);

5.3.2. mislead other Users about his/her identity, including using the Telegram account of another registered User;

5.3.3. misrepresent information about themselves, their age, or relationship with other persons or organizations;

5.3.4. upload, store, publish, distribute, provide access to, or otherwise use any information that: contains threats, discredits, offends, discredits honor, dignity, or business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains foul language, contains pornographic images and texts, scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals; contains a description of the means and methods of suicide or any incitement to commit it; promotes and/or fosters incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions, or guidelines for committing criminal acts; contains restricted information, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties; contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of drug use, information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and advice on use; is fraudulent; promotes non-traditional sexual relations among minors; promotes a distorted view of the equality of traditional and non-traditional couples among minors; or violates any other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or legal requirements;

5.3.5. illegally upload, store, publish, distribute, provide access to or otherwise use the intellectual property of other Users and third parties;

5.3.6. carry out bulk mailing of messages without the consent of the Administration of the Service;

5.3.7. use the software and carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Service, its functionality, or Users' personal profiles;

5.3.8. upload, store, publish, distribute, provide access to or otherwise use viruses, trojans, and other malicious programs;

5.3.9. without special permission from the Administration of the Service, use automated scripts (programs) to collect information stored in the Service and/or interact with the Service and its functionality;

5.3.10. in any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, breach of trust, hacking, try to gain access to the Telegram account or the Profile of another User;

5.3.11. carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of Users and third parties;

5.3.12. access (or try to access) any Services otherwise than through the interface provided by the Service Administration, unless such actions were expressly permitted to the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Service Administration;

5.3.13. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, and resell the Services for any purpose, except when such actions were expressly permitted to the User in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement with the Service Administration;

5.3.14. post commercial and political advertisement outside the special sections of the Service established by the Service Administration. The acquisition by the User of paid services for the Service is carried out in the way prescribed in Section 8 of this Agreement;

5.3.15. post in a viewable personal profile their own direct contacts (including, but not limited to, postal addresses, profiles and/or contacts in other social networks, messengers, cellular networks, or landline telephone networks) and/or links to them in a typed, drawn, or any other form;

5.3.16. post any other information that, in the opinion of the Service Administration, is undesirable, does not correspond to the purposes of creating the Service, infringes on the interests of Users or third parties, or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Service.

5.4. The User is personally responsible for any information that he/she posts in the Service, informs other Users about, and any interactions with other Users carried out at his/her own risk.

5.5. If the User does not agree with this Agreement or any updates/changes/amendments to it, the User is obliged to stop using it and inform the Service Administration about it in the prescribed manner.

5.6. If the User whose personal profile contains public information accessed by more than three thousand Users during the day, when posting and using the specified information, including when other Users post the specified information in their personal profiles in the Service, such User must ensure compliance with the law, including:

1) not allow the use of the Service profile on the Internet and in other social networks and/or messengers for the purpose of committing criminal acts, disclosing information constituting a state or other secret specially protected by law, distributing materials containing public calls for carrying out terrorist acts or publicly justifying terrorism, other extremist materials, as well as materials promoting pornography, cult of violence and cruelty, or materials containing obscene language;

2) check the accuracy of posted publicly available information prior to its placement and immediately delete the posted false information;

3) avoid the dissemination of information about the private life of citizens in violation of civil law;

4) comply with the prohibitions and restrictions provided for by law;

5) comply with the requirements of the law governing the dissemination of mass information;

6) observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, including the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens and organizations.

6. Terms of Intellectual Property Rights

6.1. Exclusive rights to the Content posted in the Service

6.1.1. Content posted in the Service may contain objects of exclusive rights of the Service Administration, Service Users, and other copyright holders; these exclusive rights are protected by law.

6.1.2. Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement and applicable law, no Content may be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transferred, sold, or otherwise used in whole or in part without prior permission of the copyright holder, unless the copyright holder expressly gave his/her consent to the free use of such Content by any person.

6.1.3. By posting in the Service the Content legally owned by the User, he/she grants other Users a non-exclusive right to use it by viewing, reproducing (including copying), processing (including printing copies) and other rights solely for the purpose of personal non-commercial use, except in cases where such use causes or may cause harm to legally protected interests of the right holder.

6.1.4. The use by the User of the Content, access to which is obtained exclusively for personal non-commercial use, is allowed provided that all signs of authorship (copyrights) or other notices of authorship are preserved, the author's name and the work are preserved unchanged.

6.1.5. In addition to the User’s own Content, he/she is not entitled to upload or otherwise make public (publish) in the Service the Content of other sites, databases, and other works of intellectual activity in the absence of the express consent of the copyright holder to such actions.

6.1.6. Any use of the Service or Content, except as permitted in this Agreement or in the case of the express consent of the copyright holder to such use, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, is strictly prohibited.

6.1.7. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement can be considered as a transfer of exclusive rights to the Content.

6.2. Liability for violation of exclusive rights

6.2.1. The User is personally responsible for any Content or other information that he/she uploads or otherwise makes public (publishes) in the Service or with its help. The User does not have the right to upload, transfer, or publish Content on the Service in the absence of the appropriate rights to perform such actions, acquired or transferred to him/her in accordance with the law.

6.2.2. The Service Administration may, but is not obligated to, review the Service for prohibited Content and delete or move (without notice) any Content or Users at its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, including, without limitation, moving or deleting Content which, in the opinion of the Service Administration, violates this Agreement, the law, and/or the rights, harms or threatens the safety of other Users or third parties.

6.2.3. By posting own Content in the Service, the User transfers to the Service Administration the right to make copies of such Content in order to organize and facilitate the publication and storage of user Content in the Service.

6.2.4. By posting own Content in any part of the Service, the User automatically grants the Service Administration a non-exclusive right to use it free of charge by copying, public performance, reproduction, processing, translation, and distribution for the purposes of the Service or in connection with them, including promotion. For these purposes, the Administration may produce derivative works or insert User Content as components into relevant collections, newsletters, and notifications, and perform other actions aimed at achieving these goals.

6.3. Third Party Sites and Content

6.3.1 The Service contains (or may contain) links to other sites on the Internet (third party sites), including articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, music, sounds, videos, information, applications, programs, and other Content, belonging to or coming from third parties (Third Party Content) as a result of intellectual activity protected in accordance with the law.

6.3.2. These third parties and their Content are not reviewed by the Service Administration for compliance with certain requirements (authenticity, completeness, integrity, etc.). The Administration of the Service is not responsible for any information posted on third-party websites to which the User gains access through the Service or the Content of third parties, including, but not limited to, any opinions or statements expressed on these third-party websites or in their Content.

6.3.3. Links or instructions for downloading files and/or installing third-party programs posted in the Service do not mean endorsement or approval of these actions by the Service Administration.

6.3.4. A link to any website, product, service, or any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted in the Service does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Service Administration.

6.3.5. If the User decides to leave the Service and open third-party websites and use or install third-party programs, he/she does so at their own risk, and from that moment on, this Agreement no longer applies to the User. In further actions, the User should be guided by applicable rules and policies, including the business customs of the persons whose Content they intend to use.

7. Responsibility when Using the Service

7.1. Users are responsible for their own actions in connection with the creation and posting of information in their own personal profiles of the Service and in connection with the posting of information in the personal profiles of other Users and in other sections of the Service in accordance with applicable law. Violation of this Agreement and the applicable law entails civil, administrative, and criminal liability.

7.2. The Administration of the Service provides the technical capability of using the Service by the Users, and it does not take part in the creation of the content in the personal User profiles, does not control and is not responsible for the actions or inaction of any persons in relation to the use of the Service or the creation and use of the content in the personal User profiles in the Service.

7.3. There are no technical solutions in the information system of the Service and its software that automatically censor and control the actions and information relations of Users regarding the use of the Service.

7.4. The Service Administration reserves the right to change the visual design of the Service, its content, the list of additional services/functions, change or supplement the scripts used, software, and other objects used or stored in the Service, and any server applications at any time with or without prior notice to Users.

7.5. The Service Administration does not pre-moderate or censor User information, and it takes actions to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with legal requirements only after the affected person reaches out to the Service Administration in the prescribed manner.

7.6. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for the actions of the User, and it reserves the right, at its own discretion, as well as upon receipt of information from other Users or third parties about the violation by the User of this Agreement and/or applicable law, to immediately and without giving reasons to change (moderate) or delete any information published by the User (including private messages, personal user profile data, photographs, graphics, audio and video recordings). In addition, the Service Administration has the right to: suspend, restrict, or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections or services/functions of the Service at any time for any reason and without explanation, with or without prior notice, without being responsible for any harm which may be caused to the User by such actions. The Service Administration reserves the right to delete the User's personal profile and/or suspend, restrict, or terminate the User's access to any type of Service functionality if the Service Administration finds that, in its opinion, the User poses a threat to the Service and/or other Users. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for the temporary blocking or deletion of information, or deletion of the personal profile (termination of registration) of the User carried out in accordance with this Agreement.

7.7. After the User’s personal profile is deleted, he/she loses access rights to the Service.

7.8. The Administration of the Service ensures the functioning and operability of the Service and undertakes to promptly restore its performance in the event of technical failures and interruptions. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of the Service and the loss of information caused by them. The Service Administration is not responsible for any damage to the User's or other person's computer, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused by or associated with downloading materials from the Service or via links posted in the Service.

7.9. The Service Administration has the right to dispose of statistical information related to the operation of the Service, as well as User information to ensure targeted display of advertising information to various User audiences. For the purposes of organizing the functioning and technical support of the Service and the execution of this Agreement, the Service Administration has the technical ability to access User personal profiles which it implements only in cases established by this Agreement.

7.10. The Service Administration has the right to inform the User about the development of the Service and advertise its own activities and Services, as well as services and goods of third parties. By using the Service, the User gives his/her consent to receive advertising messages in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising."

7.11. The User gives consent to the Administration of the Service to access his/her contact information.

7.12. Limitation of liability of the Service Administration:

The provisions of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights are not applied to the relations of the parties of the Agreement on the provision of Services free of charge. The Service, including all scripts, applications, Content and site design, is provided "as is." The Service Administration disclaims all warranties that the Service may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use. The Service Administration cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from using the Service; in order to avoid misunderstandings, the User should take precautions when downloading from the Service or using links posted in it, and using any files, including software. The Administration of the Service strongly recommends using only licensed software, including antiviruses; under no circumstances shall the Administration of the Service or its representatives be liable to the User or any third party for any indirect, incidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or data, damage to honor, dignity, or business reputation caused in connection with the use of the Service, the content of the Service, or other materials to which you or other persons access using the Service, even if the Service Administration warned or indicated the possibility of such harm.

8. Extra Paid Services

8.1. Within the framework of the Service, the Users are granted, for a fee, the right of one-time or extended (automatically renewed) access to extra special features of the Service on the terms specified in the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Extra Paid Services). Providing the User with access to any Extra Paid Service is the activation of the Service for the User Profile in the Service, regardless of the time the User started using the Service. Extra Paid Services are not a necessary condition for the registration of the User or the use of the Service and are provided to the User in order to obtain additional features of the Service.

8.2. One-time and Renewable Extra Paid Services:

8.2.1. One-time Extra Paid Services are provided at the request and desire of the User. When activating any of the One-Time Extra Paid Services, the User independently chooses the cost, term, validity period, and other characteristics of the Service in accordance with the conditions and tariff plans established by the Service Administration.

8.2.2. Renewable Extra Paid Services (hereinafter referred to as the Subscription) are provided at the request and desire of the User. When activating the Subscription, the User independently chooses the cost, term, period of validity (renewal), and other characteristics of the Subscription in accordance with the conditions and tariff plans established by the Administration of the Service. When activating the Subscription (by clicking the "Pay" button), the User authorizes and instructs Flirtu SIA (Flirtu Telegram Dating) to automatically renew the Subscription in accordance with the terms of the Service and the tariff plan chosen by the User, until the User independently disables the renewal of the Subscription. When activating the Subscription (by pressing the "Pay" button), the User authorizes and instructs Flirtu SIA (Flirtu Telegram Dating) to charge future payments from his/her credit/debit card in order to renew the Subscription in accordance with the terms of the Service and the tariff plan chosen by the User, until the User independently disables the renewal of the Subscription. When the User activates the Subscription, the auto-renewal option is enabled by default. By clicking the "Pay" button, the User agrees to charge off the full amount of the Subscription cost for the next Subscription period in advance on the expiration date of the previous Subscription period, in accordance with the tariff plan chosen by the User when activating the Subscription. The User is obliged to control the terms of payment for the renewal of the Subscription on his/her own and in a timely manner. If on the last day of the paid Subscription period, the User lacks enough funds to pay for the next Subscription period in accordance with the tariff plan selected by the User when activating the Subscription, the Service Administration has the right to suspend the User's access to Extra Paid Services starting on the day following the last day of the paid period and until payment of the overdue amount. If case of the lack of funds on the User's bank account/card at the time of the automatic debit, the automatic debiting attempt may be repeated within 70 days from the date of the first attempt until the successful debiting. The User has the right to disable the automatic renewal of the Subscription at any time. In case of disabling the automatic renewal, the Subscription is provided to the User until the end of the paid billing period in accordance with the tariff plan chosen by the User when activating the Subscription. The funds for the new billing period are not charged, the renewal of the Subscription for the next billing periods is disabled and will not occur. The User has to independently disable the automatic renewal of the Subscription. The User should open the section “Settings – VIP” of the Service and follow the link to the Subscriber Portal, where the tariff plan, subscription period, and other data of the User's Payment Plan are indicated. To cancel the renewal of the subscription, the User must click "Cancel plan," and confirm the cancellation by clicking "Cancel plan" again. To resume the renewal of the subscription, click "Renew plan."

8.2.3. The User agrees that any Extra Paid Service is considered fully rendered from the moment the User is granted access to the Extra Paid Service, regardless of the start and end time of the use of the Service by the User. The User agrees that, in the event of renewal of the Subscription, the service is considered to be fully provided from the moment of the extension of access to the functionality included in the terms of the Subscription in accordance with the tariff plan chosen by the User when activating the Subscription, regardless of the start and end time of the use of the Service by the User. The cost of the Subscription does not depend on the number of views of the Content, the time of actual use of the services, and the results obtained by the User when using the services included in the relevant Subscription.

8.2.4. In the event that the Service Administration establishes that the User has violated one or more terms of this Agreement, the Service Administration has the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate the provision of Extra Paid Services to the User, as well as restrict, suspend, or terminate his access to the Service without reimbursement of the unused part of the Extra Paid Services.

8.3. Payment for Extra Paid Services is carried out by the User in cash using the currency, amount, and time limits determined by the Administration of the Service.

8.4. The time when the User has the right to demand Extra Paid Services starts in the moment when the User accrues the corresponding amount of money (fee) for these services.

8.5. If the User decides to use Extra Paid Services, then he/she is obliged to fill in the information file with data about the User to the extent necessary for the Administration to provide Extra Paid Services.

8.6. The terms of this section of the User Agreement apply to all types of Extra Paid Services in the Service.

8.7. When using the Extra Paid Services, the User undertakes to follow the payment instructions as to the order and methods of payment established by the Service Administration. If, as a result of a technical error or failure of the Service or conscious actions of the User, he/she received Extra Paid Services without payment and/or incomplete payment for such Services, the User is obliged to inform the Administration about this fact and compensate the Administration for the cost of Extra Paid Services received by the User as a result of such circumstances.

8.8. Extra Paid Services are provided exclusively by the Service Administration. Any offers of third parties to provide any services through the Service should not be regarded by the User as offers coming from the Administration of the Service. The User undertakes to refrain from these offers and their acceptance and report such facts to the Service Administration.

8.9. If the Administration of the Service establishes that the User receives Extra Paid Services from other persons, the Administration of the Service has the right to limit, suspend, or terminate the provision of Extra Paid Services to the User and restrict, suspend, or terminate his access to the Service without reimbursement of the unused part of the Extra Paid Services.

8.10. The User has the right to use third-party services to pay for Extra Paid Services. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for the improper provision of services by third parties to pay for Extra Paid Services.

8.11. Peculiarities of payment by the User for Extra Paid Services using bank cards and/or other methods (including, but not limited to, electronic wallets, cellular operator accounts).

8.11.1. All operations with bank cards are performed by the cardholder or a person authorized by him/her.

8.11.2. Bank card transactions are authorized by the bank. If the bank has a reason to believe that an operation is fraudulent, the bank has the right to refuse to carry out this operation.

8.11.3. Authorization and transactions using electronic wallets or cellular operator accounts are performed by the owner of the respective wallet or account, or a person authorized by him/her in accordance with the rules for using these payment resources.

8.11.4. In order to avoid fraud when paying by bank cards and/or other methods, payments can be verified. If the User fails to submit the requested documents within 14 days from the date of payment or there are doubts about their authenticity, the Service Administration has the right to suspend the provision of Extra Paid Services to the User until the circumstances are clarified.

8.12. If the Service Administration has a reason to believe that the User is committing illegal or fraudulent actions related to the payment for Extra Paid Services, the Service Administration has the right to transfer the relevant information to law enforcement agencies to verify this fact.

9. Refund policy

9.1. The administration of the service does not refund payments for rendered services. All transactions are non-refundable.

9.2. If you feel that you are entitled to a refund please contact us at @FlirtuHelpBot

10. Governing law and final provisions

10.1. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the User and the Administration of the Service regarding the procedure for using the Service and replaces all previous agreements between the User and the Administration.

10.2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Latvia. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the law of Latvia.

10.3. In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of this Agreement, the User and the Administration of the Service will make every effort to resolve them through mutual negotiations. If the disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they are subject to resolution in the manner prescribed by the applicable law of Latvia.

10.4. This Agreement comes into force for the User starting at the moment of his/her joining it and is valid for an indefinite period.

10.5. This Agreement is written in the English language and can be provided to the User for review in another language. In case of discrepancy between the English-language version of the Agreement and the version in another language, the provisions of the English-language version of this Agreement shall apply.

10.6. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

The date of the last change of the User Agreement is June 16, 2024.

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